The Cure for Hangerphobia

As I described in my recent post about organizing clothing, I have quite an aversion to hanging things up on hangers.

The Life Cycle of my Non-Foldables

On a rare occasion, non-foldables make it all the way to hangers IN OUR CLOSET, only to be tossed on the floor after I try them on and decide to wear something else. But of course, they rarely get that far. Baby sea turtles have a better chance of becoming geriatric.

My hanger-necessary items usually get taken out of the dryer and lain out on a flat surface, piled on top of each other. Then the awkwardly long pile stays there or migrates across the house—to the couch, where the other clothes were getting folded while I watch Netflix, or to a chair in the bedroom, or to Little Champ’s pack & play, which is in the closet. Sometimes I actually get them on hangers right in the laundry room…and they stay there for months until LT wonders where his dress shirt is.

But yesterday I came up with perhaps my most brilliant idea, ever. Even more brilliant than using a ladle to grab bottles from the back of the top shelf (That totally works. Cup the top of the bottle with the ladle and pull it towards you.)

Anyway, here’s my idea, complete with real life, embarrassing photographs:

If you take a non-foldable article of clothing out of the dryer, PUT IT ON. Finish folding the other clothes. When you are done, walk to the closet, and take the articles off one at a time, PUTTING THEM ON THEIR HANGERS.

I suppose that an early and repetitive exposure to FRIENDS may have inspired this idea.

Here’s the plan, in action:

Bewildered Mother wants YOU to try it (if you are a hangerphobe)

Little Champ’s clothes prove an interesting challenge

I think that this would work especially well for kids that are hangerphobes due to its silly or embarrassing nature.

If you try it, let me know how it goes!

If you are especially silly, post a picture of an attempt on the Bewildered Mother Facebook Page!

Need help organizing your home? You don’t want to get advice on organizing from somebody who doesn’t really need to organize in the first place because their house is already in perfect order. You want tips from a person who is like you, who figures out how to organize through trial and error, and who knows the value of a Junk drawer. Let’s muddle through it together! Check out my Slobs Anonymous posts for tips and confessions. My Housekeeping posts have a little bit of everything related to keeping a house, even the D-word…Dishes.

14 thoughts on “The Cure for Hangerphobia

    • Thanks for visiting! Unfortunately, no. As I type, I am ignoring a pile of clean, folded laundry sitting on my couch.

      Though when haven’t folded in a billion years and my drawers are empty, I take the drawers out and set them all on the floor, bring out my clean laundry, fold and place directly into the drawers, and then replace all the drawers.

      Really only works if you do laundry-bingeing, though :P

      • I do the same thing! I do laundry once a week, so I suppose it’s “bingeing” since I have to do at least one load of kids clothes; one load of hubby work clothes; one load of jeans; one load of shirts; undies; and socks; one load of delicates; one load of towels; and one load of sheets. So I wash in bunches and use the corresponding drawer as the laundry basket. This ensures I put it away because I don’t want to trip over the drawer or have my cat sleep in my clean laundry!

  1. We removed our bifold doors and mounted a closet rod in the opening. As soon as something that needs to be hung up, it is hung on a hanger and placed on the rod. It might hang there for a few days but all that has to happen is that it gets placed in the closet.

    • Very nice! I used to try to put hangers (with clothes on them) on a broomstick and then carry the whole darn thing into the other room, and then shift the hangers from the broomstick to the closet rod. I would not recommend this, even if you have 3 or more people helping. Unless you are trying out for the circus.

  2. Pingback: How to avoid hanging clothes while emptying the dryer | ToGetPregnant

  3. Pingback: What To Do With Clothes That Need To Be Hung When You Take Them Out Of The Drier | Baby Freebies, Shopping Deals, & Family Money Saving Tips |

  4. brilliant I love it, and I love your blog too. I remember that episode of Friends (well I think I’ve seen them all 100 times). Could I BE wearing any more clothes. I’m going commando. I feel like doing some lunges. Oh dear is it a bit sad when you remember the script?

  5. Pingback:— Open Loops 2/15/2012: Articles I Think Worth Passing Along -—

  6. Pingback: When Clothing Attacks: Organizing the Beast | diary of a bewildered mother

  7. Pingback: My 3-Year Bloggiversary! | diary of a bewildered mother

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